Monday, August 17, 2009

I think I am jumping ship

Ok I think I am giving up on blogger. I've been playing around with tumblr. and like it allot more so if any one is reading start looking over here.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm on Strike until further notice

So today at work we can not call out and we can not send e-mails from peoples files. I am not eating up my cell phone min that the boss will not pay for and so I am on strike. it is 9:30 am Thursday morning that means I have 14 more hours to work until the weekend. Lets see how this strike goes.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Black Market Organs

So I am so stressed out strapped for cash strapped for time I have started mulling over selling my extra kidney. For those not in the know I have 3 instead of the usual 2. Every time I get like this I try and remind myself that if I were to sell it on the black market it would probably be dug from my body with a rusty grapefruit spoon in a dirty bathroom in Tijuana by some doctor with the credentials of doctor nick from the Simpsons, this usually snaps me out of it.


I would not actually sell you my kidney so don't ask. The only way that thing is coming out of my body is if it is causing me harm or a loved one needs it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Getting ready for the move

I am moving in a little less then three weeks let the panic attacks begin. I am desperately trying to organize everything in my head and figure out what I can pack now what needs to wait etc. I am also trying to mentally grasp how Jon Nick and Myself are going to lug all of our things up that narrow stair case in the front hall with out A) destroying the hall B) destroying our stuff C) destroying ourselves or D) All of the above.

I know once I am moved in I will be a happy camper, there will be more space I will have a place for my crafts and the boys will have a place for their instruments and recording stuff. There is an amazing kitchen that I can't wait to try and cook in ( I am already planing to make a turkey for thanksgiving). I feel like for the first time in my life I will feel like the place is part mine and not like I am living in some one elses apartment. But until we are settled I think I am going to be stressed to the max.

Friday, August 7, 2009

In what alternet universe

I actually like fashion despite my tendency to be a t-shirt an Jeans girl. I love searching for interesting pieces at filnes basement, marshals and of course in thrift stores. If it is a well made classic piece even better and I could even justify buying it for a little more money (even though I don't have the luxury to do it right now) if I know it will last.

With all that said I signed up for the Zoe report, a daily e-mail sent out with a recomndation for something that Rachel Zoe has found and absolutly loves and can't live with out...for now. I have a love hate relationship with Rachel Zoe, I think some times her styling is spot on and other times it's too Stevie Nicks for my tast. I also think Zoe her self in assteticly un appealing to look at mostly because she looks like a bag of bones in desprate need of a sandwich ( for gods sake honey eat something).

So I open the Zoe report today and I am comfronted with the image that is at the begning of this post, a destroyed t shirt. Ok it's kind of interasting in a faux punk I could do that my self for short cash sort of way. Please guess how much that torn up t shirt is, take a moment and just think about it...Ok are you ready? Are you sure? Try not to throw up but it is $150, for a torn up t shirt. I am baffeled.

So they're not going to kill my grandma?!

First of all what the fuck people does any one really and truly believe that Obama wants to kill old people? I also want to know why people think things are going to get all muddled up and confusing if the government steps in to take care of health care, have any of you people ever tried to deal with a privet health insurance provider? It's all a bureaucracy find a new argument.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What the Fuck spoiler Alert

I have this bad habit of looking up the endings of movies that look horrible but I secretly want to see. The latest one was Orphan for those of you unfamiliar please take a gander.

So ready for the twist the one that legit made my brain bleed?!? Ester is a 33 year old dwarf who has dabbled in prostitution....I kid you not.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What the Christ

Yes this exists. Because who doesn't want a $15 six pack of hentai soda?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tears for Fears

Molls showed me this last night and I almost pissed my pants laughing.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm on my third cup coffee

Ok so as the title states I am on my third cup of coffee as a result of this my thoughts are as jittery as my leg right now. I have essentially taken the Office Space approach to work at this point in time. I answer questions respond to my e-mails and spend the rest of the day not caring and usually getting my school work done.

You have to understand I do feel bad about this to a point but not bad enough to try any harder. I have been paid the same amount since I got hired here two promations and I still have the same hourly rate of the people I am a "supervisor of". I asked for a raise a year ago and my understanding is the CEO refuses to sign the paper work from HR granting me the money I at least at the time deserved. After 6 months of that I slowly stoped caring, the company obviously doesn't so why should I. To clear some thing up the lack of pay increase has nothing to do with te econmy, my company is actually thriving and making more money than ever before. But enought bitching about that and on to the next topic.

I took the bait and will be meeting with the ex from two years ago next week, I am sure awkwardness will insue. I'm just too damn curiouse about being contacted out of the blue. So we'll see how that goes, I just really hope he doesn't think it's a date.

Well that is all I've got right now. Nothing intereasting or fun just caffine induced rambelings.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The ex Files ( origonal I know)

I got a strange message on Myspace the other day from a boy I dated for a month two years ago. He apologized for the way he broke up with me and then proceeded to say if I ever wanted to meet up for coffee or a drink to send him a reply. I currently have three theories for this random note.

Theory one: He is turning thirty next year, just quit his job ( also mentioned in the e-mail) and will be attending grad school in the fall. He is having a what does it all mean and where I am I heading High Fidelity phase. Contacting past girlfriends trying to figure out where it went wrong etc.

Theory two: He is in some sort of twelve step program and is at the step where yo apologize to everyone you think you have wronged.

Theory Three: he is trying to retro date or whatever the new hip term is for reconnecting with old crushes and significant others on social networking sites in hopes of rekindling what was there.

Now I am not sure what to do with this. We dated for a month we broke up it sucked I took a night to cry, get drunk and eat late night bagel sandwiches with one of my best friends and I moved on. I am kind of curiouse to contact him just to find out what prompted this attemtpt to contact me after 2 years. I have no desire to date him again ( I have an amazing boyfriend thank you very much) and I don't even know if I would want to be friends with him ( in all honesty when we dated the conversation was always awkward and strained) What would you do in this situation?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Universal truth of the day

Cherry pits are by far the most fun pits to spit....I just made that rhyme and I wasn't even trying.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I think this speaks volumes about me

I Just joined the Kelly's Legend club because face book promised me if I did I could have a free soda and cheese fries tomorrow. So take that for what it's worth.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just a thought

Any social networking widgety thing that tells you invite x amount of friends in order for this to work, isn't going to work.

Also no one wants to give you a free gift card, I pod or cell phone for clicking on an add.

In Addition if you send this e-mail to 30 of your friends no video will pop up, the name of your soul mate will not appear and your phone will not ring.

Lastly facebook , Myspace and AIM are not going to start charging and or delete your account if you do not forward this to 50 people.

I'm just saying...

Friday, June 26, 2009

random conversation

My Boyfriend and I were walking to the bar one day when a conversation about writing came up. I can't remember the whole thing but this part stuck out and made me laugh.

BF: You've seen my e-mails I use semi-colons in them.

Me: My e-mails must drive you nuts when you read them. Half the time I don't even use punctuation.

BF: Yeah, but I consider that more of an artistic choice like Hubert Selby.

I can assure you as flattering a statment that is, my lack of punctuation is not artistic so much as it is lazy.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday 13

13 things I love about summer

1. Sitting on the beach at night

2. Drinking out side

3. Pin Ball

4. Dairy Maid

5. Richie's Slush

6. Most of the college kids leave Boston

7. Sullys Hot Dogs

8. Trips to the Cape

9. Trips to NH

10. Long Car rides with the windows down

11. Iced Coffee

12. Feista

13. …

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A tip for all of you in the working world # 1

Never tell your boss " I might not be in on Friday because I may be too drunk" I had an employee tell me this today and I wanted to smack him. Honesty is not always the best policy.

Friday, June 19, 2009

I can cross one off the list

I can cross number 3 off of my summer goals. I have an apartment for September! It's bigger than my current place and cheaper. It's a little further out of the city then where I am now but still on the T and the place is nice enough to over look the fact that I will no longer be living directly in Boston. Now I am going to start running around like crazy looking for furniture and appliances and pots and pans. Everything at my current place is the room mates. Which me luck.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday 13

Thirteen Records That Mean Summer to Me

1. We Are The Only Friends That We Have- Pie Bald

2. Music For the Morning After- Pete Yorn

3. Either Or- Elliot Smith

4. Pinkerton- Weezer

5. Through Being Cool- Saves the Day

6. From Here to Infermery- Alkaline Trio

7. Bleed American- Jimmy Eat World

8. Employment- The Kaiser Chiefs

9.The Mouse and the Mask- Danger Doom

10. Decadence- Head Automatica

11.Pearl- Janice Joplin

12. Stay What You Are- Saves The Day

13. Crimson- Alkaline Trio…

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!

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Header from Everybody Lies

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Waiting for my great idea

So I know this guy in Philly he's a friend of a friend who has started one of the coolest things I have ever heard of. He runs monthly events that are like an open mic night for chefs called open chefame , he has a restaurant that lets them use the kitchen, he gets people who love to cook and are god at it to come in and do the meal and then he sells tickets to people to come in and eat whatever is being prepaired.

Reading up on Chefame made me start thinking about why it is no mater how hard I try I can't figure out what I want to do with my life or even what I am really good at. I know what I want out of a perfession A pleasent work envirment, a job that doesn't eat all my time, something that pays enough money so I don't have to worry about where rent is coming from this month or how I can make $20 feed me for a week and get me to and from work but I think those are things that every body wants.

I wish I could come up with a fantastic idea that would be fun to put into action and be able to suport myself with it. I would like to think I am cleaver and creative but maybe thats just not the case. Maybe I am just to lazy to actualy put any of the ideas I've had into action. Or maybe it's just too easy to stay in the rut of a job I am in. I can blame it on being too tired, not having the start up capitol or resources but aren't those all just excuses.

I guess the more I try and force myself to come up with an idea or a direction to go in the less likely I am to actually find what it is I'm looking for. I was just hoping by 26 I'd have at least some of it figured out.

Friday, June 12, 2009

how soon we forget

So I have a "friend" on face book who is a middle school teacher in the Boston Public Schools. Today she went off on a particular rant about be screwed over by the school she works for by getting stuck teaching middle school English again next year when she wants to teach high school.

The complaint in and of it self is not a bad one however what the conversation turned into was an all out bitch fest about the kids she teaches. She refers to them as monsters and comments on how stupid they are. Her and some of her other face book friends comment on how frightening it is that these children are our future. It bothers me that a teacher would openly bash there much younger students on a social networking site, it is both cruel and stupid on her part. If any one from the school saw that I am sure ( or at least I hope some action would be taken) I know if I was a parent and heard about that I would not want her teaching my child. Ialso feel like her selective memory may be working over time.

This woman and I grew up in the same neighborhood , we are the same age and we knew most of the same people. Most of those people were monsters, I remember in 7th grade she was chased through the streets of our neighborhood by a group of 12 and 13 year old boys and girls who encouraged her to kill her self and then beat her up all because she liked the same boy that a more popular girl liked. This boy she was beat up over failed the 8th grade 3 times before he decided school wasn't for him.

I guess the point I am trying to make is our generation was not any better than the kids she is teaching now and I don't know how she can forget that. If she is really that miserable teaching kids who are unruly and don't want to learn or even try to learn maybe she should teach in a privet school. Maybe if she has such a strong dislike for the kids she is teaching she shouldn't be teaching at all. Maybe she should be happy she has a job as an english teacher because they aren't really i demand it's Math and Science that are desperate for teachers. I don't know just a thought.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday 13

13 goals for this summer

1. Get My Passport (I've never been outside of North America plus you need one just to get in to Canada these days)

2. Pass my summer class with flying colors

3. Find a place to live for september

4. Make it to the beach at least once

5. Grill a steak all by my self ( never have I ever grilled for my self go figure)

6. Learn how to play guitar ( it doesn't have to be well just well on my way)

7. Eat Lobster rolls from as many places in New England that I can.

8. Have a drink outside at least once a week.

9. Win enough tickets from Ski ball to get the big piece of crap from the arcade.

10. Get to PA for WAWA half and Half and the Q-Mart

11. Go on a bike ride and try not to fear being road pizza

12. Learn how to relax and not fill every spare moment with work

13. Go dancing

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!

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There you have it folks. I'll follow up at the end of the summer and let you know what I actually got done.

I got the header from Everybody lies

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I put thing off for entirly to long

So I have this really awesome cheapo pink sparkly electric guitar. I bought it two years ago with the intent of teaching myself how to play and then starting a band, this has not happened yet. I think I will start learning this weekend.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Rens Universal truth for the day

Dr. Pepper Jelly bellys make the work day a little more bearable

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Idol god of the week

Kellys roast beef and cheese fries. the reason I am going to have a heart attack before I turn 30.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday 13

My 13 Favorite Bars

1. Bukowski ,Boston MA

2. The Druid, Cambridge MA

3. National Mechanics, Philly PA

4. Doc Holidays, New York NY

5. The Deep Ellum, Allston MA

6. Charlies Kitchen, Cambridge MA

7. Tattooed Mom's, Philly PA

8. The Quater Deck, Cape Cod MA

9. The Middle East, Cambridge MA

10. The Farragut House, Boston MA

11. The Burn ( Sunday-Wednesday), somerville MA

12. Doyles Pub, Jamaica Plane MA

13.Suger Moms, Philly PA

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Once more with feeling

So I tried this blogging thing awhile back made a few posts got a couple of comments and then life got in the way and I stopped writing. For some reason I am now compelled to try this again. I think I just have so much going on in my head that I need some sort of outlet...and I may or may not be having my quarter life crises a year late. So lets see how this goes hopefully I'll keep up with it this time.