Thursday, July 9, 2009

The ex Files ( origonal I know)

I got a strange message on Myspace the other day from a boy I dated for a month two years ago. He apologized for the way he broke up with me and then proceeded to say if I ever wanted to meet up for coffee or a drink to send him a reply. I currently have three theories for this random note.

Theory one: He is turning thirty next year, just quit his job ( also mentioned in the e-mail) and will be attending grad school in the fall. He is having a what does it all mean and where I am I heading High Fidelity phase. Contacting past girlfriends trying to figure out where it went wrong etc.

Theory two: He is in some sort of twelve step program and is at the step where yo apologize to everyone you think you have wronged.

Theory Three: he is trying to retro date or whatever the new hip term is for reconnecting with old crushes and significant others on social networking sites in hopes of rekindling what was there.

Now I am not sure what to do with this. We dated for a month we broke up it sucked I took a night to cry, get drunk and eat late night bagel sandwiches with one of my best friends and I moved on. I am kind of curiouse to contact him just to find out what prompted this attemtpt to contact me after 2 years. I have no desire to date him again ( I have an amazing boyfriend thank you very much) and I don't even know if I would want to be friends with him ( in all honesty when we dated the conversation was always awkward and strained) What would you do in this situation?

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