Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday 13

13 goals for this summer

1. Get My Passport (I've never been outside of North America plus you need one just to get in to Canada these days)

2. Pass my summer class with flying colors

3. Find a place to live for september

4. Make it to the beach at least once

5. Grill a steak all by my self ( never have I ever grilled for my self go figure)

6. Learn how to play guitar ( it doesn't have to be well just well on my way)

7. Eat Lobster rolls from as many places in New England that I can.

8. Have a drink outside at least once a week.

9. Win enough tickets from Ski ball to get the big piece of crap from the arcade.

10. Get to PA for WAWA half and Half and the Q-Mart

11. Go on a bike ride and try not to fear being road pizza

12. Learn how to relax and not fill every spare moment with work

13. Go dancing

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There you have it folks. I'll follow up at the end of the summer and let you know what I actually got done.

I got the header from Everybody lies

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