Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm on my third cup coffee

Ok so as the title states I am on my third cup of coffee as a result of this my thoughts are as jittery as my leg right now. I have essentially taken the Office Space approach to work at this point in time. I answer questions respond to my e-mails and spend the rest of the day not caring and usually getting my school work done.

You have to understand I do feel bad about this to a point but not bad enough to try any harder. I have been paid the same amount since I got hired here two promations and I still have the same hourly rate of the people I am a "supervisor of". I asked for a raise a year ago and my understanding is the CEO refuses to sign the paper work from HR granting me the money I at least at the time deserved. After 6 months of that I slowly stoped caring, the company obviously doesn't so why should I. To clear some thing up the lack of pay increase has nothing to do with te econmy, my company is actually thriving and making more money than ever before. But enought bitching about that and on to the next topic.

I took the bait and will be meeting with the ex from two years ago next week, I am sure awkwardness will insue. I'm just too damn curiouse about being contacted out of the blue. So we'll see how that goes, I just really hope he doesn't think it's a date.

Well that is all I've got right now. Nothing intereasting or fun just caffine induced rambelings.

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