Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Waiting for my great idea

So I know this guy in Philly he's a friend of a friend who has started one of the coolest things I have ever heard of. He runs monthly events that are like an open mic night for chefs called open chefame , he has a restaurant that lets them use the kitchen, he gets people who love to cook and are god at it to come in and do the meal and then he sells tickets to people to come in and eat whatever is being prepaired.

Reading up on Chefame made me start thinking about why it is no mater how hard I try I can't figure out what I want to do with my life or even what I am really good at. I know what I want out of a perfession A pleasent work envirment, a job that doesn't eat all my time, something that pays enough money so I don't have to worry about where rent is coming from this month or how I can make $20 feed me for a week and get me to and from work but I think those are things that every body wants.

I wish I could come up with a fantastic idea that would be fun to put into action and be able to suport myself with it. I would like to think I am cleaver and creative but maybe thats just not the case. Maybe I am just to lazy to actualy put any of the ideas I've had into action. Or maybe it's just too easy to stay in the rut of a job I am in. I can blame it on being too tired, not having the start up capitol or resources but aren't those all just excuses.

I guess the more I try and force myself to come up with an idea or a direction to go in the less likely I am to actually find what it is I'm looking for. I was just hoping by 26 I'd have at least some of it figured out.

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