Monday, August 17, 2009

I think I am jumping ship

Ok I think I am giving up on blogger. I've been playing around with tumblr. and like it allot more so if any one is reading start looking over here.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm on Strike until further notice

So today at work we can not call out and we can not send e-mails from peoples files. I am not eating up my cell phone min that the boss will not pay for and so I am on strike. it is 9:30 am Thursday morning that means I have 14 more hours to work until the weekend. Lets see how this strike goes.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Black Market Organs

So I am so stressed out strapped for cash strapped for time I have started mulling over selling my extra kidney. For those not in the know I have 3 instead of the usual 2. Every time I get like this I try and remind myself that if I were to sell it on the black market it would probably be dug from my body with a rusty grapefruit spoon in a dirty bathroom in Tijuana by some doctor with the credentials of doctor nick from the Simpsons, this usually snaps me out of it.


I would not actually sell you my kidney so don't ask. The only way that thing is coming out of my body is if it is causing me harm or a loved one needs it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Getting ready for the move

I am moving in a little less then three weeks let the panic attacks begin. I am desperately trying to organize everything in my head and figure out what I can pack now what needs to wait etc. I am also trying to mentally grasp how Jon Nick and Myself are going to lug all of our things up that narrow stair case in the front hall with out A) destroying the hall B) destroying our stuff C) destroying ourselves or D) All of the above.

I know once I am moved in I will be a happy camper, there will be more space I will have a place for my crafts and the boys will have a place for their instruments and recording stuff. There is an amazing kitchen that I can't wait to try and cook in ( I am already planing to make a turkey for thanksgiving). I feel like for the first time in my life I will feel like the place is part mine and not like I am living in some one elses apartment. But until we are settled I think I am going to be stressed to the max.

Friday, August 7, 2009

In what alternet universe

I actually like fashion despite my tendency to be a t-shirt an Jeans girl. I love searching for interesting pieces at filnes basement, marshals and of course in thrift stores. If it is a well made classic piece even better and I could even justify buying it for a little more money (even though I don't have the luxury to do it right now) if I know it will last.

With all that said I signed up for the Zoe report, a daily e-mail sent out with a recomndation for something that Rachel Zoe has found and absolutly loves and can't live with out...for now. I have a love hate relationship with Rachel Zoe, I think some times her styling is spot on and other times it's too Stevie Nicks for my tast. I also think Zoe her self in assteticly un appealing to look at mostly because she looks like a bag of bones in desprate need of a sandwich ( for gods sake honey eat something).

So I open the Zoe report today and I am comfronted with the image that is at the begning of this post, a destroyed t shirt. Ok it's kind of interasting in a faux punk I could do that my self for short cash sort of way. Please guess how much that torn up t shirt is, take a moment and just think about it...Ok are you ready? Are you sure? Try not to throw up but it is $150, for a torn up t shirt. I am baffeled.

So they're not going to kill my grandma?!

First of all what the fuck people does any one really and truly believe that Obama wants to kill old people? I also want to know why people think things are going to get all muddled up and confusing if the government steps in to take care of health care, have any of you people ever tried to deal with a privet health insurance provider? It's all a bureaucracy find a new argument.